East Pennsboro School District--Minutes for October, 2021


10/07/2021 [07:00 PM] @ East Pennsboro Elementary, 840 Panther

Parkway, Enola, PA 17025


1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance (Mr. Crozier, Board President)


Mr. Crozier called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.

2. Roll Call (Mrs. Holley, Board Secretary)


Members Present: Mr. Davidheiser, Ms. Gilbert, Mr. Helm, Mr. Oyler, Mrs. Andrejack, Mrs.

Pearson, Mr. Crozier

Mr. Jones and Mrs. Marshall were excused

Administrators Present: Dr. Dunar, Dr. Price, Mrs. Holley, Mr. Moore, Mrs. Edger, Mrs. MillerRedd, Mr. Atkinson, Mr. Skaugen, Mr. Etter, Mr. Bucher

Others Present: Dave Bainbridge, Terran Miller, Sarah Kraholik, Alex Cathers, Alison Buffington,

Kristin Hoover, Leesa DeMartyn, Matt Stern, Sharon Pallotta, Cindi Ward

3. Additions, Deletions or Modifications to the Agenda


Mr. Oyler asked to approve the following two modifications.

13.a. should read "motion to approve Matthew Stern, Assistant Principal at East Pennsboro High

School, at a salary of $80,393, prorated, and all other benefits of the Act 93 agreement, start date

is yet to be determined.

13. i. modify the effective date to October 15, 2021.

Board voted 7-0, modification accepted

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4. Acceptance of the Minutes from the September 16, 2021 Board



Mr. Crozier asked for a motion to accept the minutes from the September 16, 2021 Board


Motion made by Ms. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. Helm

Board voted 6-0, motion carries

Mr. Oyler abstained due to being absent from the meeting.

5. Announcement of Executive Session Held Prior to this Evening's

Public Session (Mr. Crozier, Board President)


Mr. Crozier announced that prior to tonight's public session the board held an executive session in

which they discussed personnel and legal matters.

6. Superintendent Remarks by Dr. Dunar


Dr. Dunar commented:

 On Tuesday, September 21st, we held our Elementary Instrumental Night at EPE for

students at both EPE and West Creek Hills. The organizing teacher was our new full-time

Elementary Instrumental teacher, Miss Jordan Woodward, who also teaches General

Music at both buildings. Thanks to Miss Woodward’s organization and enthusiasm, we

had approximately 70 families in attendance to try out instruments and to begin the

rental process with Horn Hospital so they may start instrumental lessons in their

respective elementary schools this fall! Kudos to all of our music teachers. It was aweinspiring to see our new band director, Coleman Lidle, at the Homecoming game bring all

of our teams together to at the end and got them all doing the Alma Matter together.

 Our 2021 Homecoming was a huge success! Thank you to our community for your

support of our students, athletes, musicians, color guard members, teachers, and staff.

We held an outdoor Homecoming Rally in the stadium on Friday afternoon, had a

victorious football game Friday evening, and then held an outdoor dance on Saturday

evening. Congratulations to all of our students who participated!

 On Thursday, September 23rd, we were generously presented with a $400 check by

Amber Meredith courtesy of the Weis for Schools program. This funding is provided

members of our community signing up for the program to generate donations to our

district. Thank you to everyone who has supported East Pennsboro Area School District!

 On Friday. September 24th

, our seniors arrived to school early in their PJs to socialize as

they watched the sunrise. Our seniors enjoyed hot chocolate and donuts with their peers

and class advisors Mrs. Wotring and Mrs. Chandra.

 Our High School Panther Marching Band participated in a competition on Saturday

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September 25th in Big Spring. Our band placed 1st in our division as well as taking the

honor of “high color guard.” We are super proud of the students and their

accomplishments, and cannot wait to see how far they take this year!

 Also, on Saturday September 25th Alexa Johnson broke the school record for saves at the

Boiling Spring Field Hockey Tournament! Congratulations Alexa!

 On Tuesday, September 28th

, the musical theater department attended a private showing

of “Dear Evan Hansen” and the Hampden AMC Theaters. The students, along with a

number of staff members, shared in this story of the pressures of fitting in and navigating

social media in this generation. After the movie…we had a fun reveal of our 2022 musical,

Matilda!!! The students are so excited to bring this fun and innovative show to the Linda

J. Bigos auditorium on March 4, 5, and 6, 2022.

 On Thursday, September 30th

, our AP Environmental Science class was able to explore the

Conodoguinet stream with the Chesapeake Bay Program. It was a gorgeous day to assess

water quality in our township. The students collected macroinvertebrates, created a

physical survey, and tested the chemical aspects of the stream. Thank you, Mrs. Baldwin,

for leading this great local learning opportunity!

 The East Pennsboro Area High School Drama Club will be performing Agatha Christie’s

“And Then There Were None” on November 12th and 13th at 7:30pm. We hope you will

come out to support our students.

7. Student Representatives' Report (Alison Buffington and Alex



Ms. Buffington and Mr. Cathers introduced themselves

Ms. Buffington commented:

Girls Tennis is hosting the Mid Penn AA tournament. Boys soccer goal keeper, Kayden Gelb, is

leading the Mid Penn saves list with 57 saves. In football, Syrell Burgos, broke the school rushing

record earlier this year with 366 yards.

Mr. Cathers commented:

Yearbook club has started creating and selling the 2022 yearbook. Class officers were involved in

helping set up the senior sunrise. The interact club had their first meeting. Mini-thon is having a

gold out on October 15th and are in the process of planning a carwash fundraiser. The NJROTC is

constantly volunteering in our community and performing their color guard at all of our major

sports events.

Mr. Oyler asked Ms. Buffington and Mr. Cathers if they have plans for after graduation.

Ms. Buffington replied, last year, I committed to St. Josephs University to play field hockey and

continue studying.

Mr. Cathers replied, I just got accepted to Pitt this week and am excited commit there.

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8. Written Request to Address the Board


There were no written requests to address the Board.

9. Public Comment on Items Listed on the Current Meeting Agenda


There was no Public Comment on items listed on the current meeting agenda.

10. Presentations

10.a. 2022 - 2023 Revised Program of Studies by Mr. Moore


See attached presentation.

Mrs. Pearson asked, with splitting the AP Economics class, would a child be able to take just

one of the classes?

Mr. Moore replied, yes, a student could take Microeconomics in the spring without

Macroeconomics being a prerequisite.

Mr. Oyler commented, I'm glad we continue to look into things our kids are interested it. I

think adding Music Technology is the smart way to go. I like adding more Science and

Technology courses because I think that is the way the world is going. My son said, Mr. Todd is

a really great teacher and we should do everything we can to keep him.

Ms. Gilbert asked, is Concert Band an actual course in our program of studies?

Mr. Bucher replied, there is a Concert Band and Chorus course students can take during

advisory that they can earn half a credit for.

Mr. Helm asked, are we going to continue to allow students to take AP courses without taking

the AP exam at the end?

Mr. Bucher replied, we've been looking at incentives for kids who take the choose to take the


Mr. Moore replied, there was a survey sent out to students to find out why they wouldn't take

the AP exam. One of the main reasons was they were preparing for and taking the AP exam

and also preparing for the local final. let's get rid of the local final if you choose to take the AP


Dr. Dunar commented, that makes sense.

Mr. Oyler commented, that would be an incentive, it puts a lot of stress on the kids to prepare

for both.

Mr. Crozier commented, we would have to think about how would you tabulate the grade

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when the score doesn't come until after grades are due.

Mr. Helm commented, I would be interested in hearing the other reasons the students have.

Mr. Bucher commented, there is a list of about 7 main reasons I can share with you.

Mr. Davidheiser commented, I appreciate all the work you guys do developing the programs

the students are interested in.

10.b. PSBA Honor Roll of School Board Service--Special Recognition


Dr. Dunar presented Ms. Gilbert with a certificate to recognize her eight years of service on

East Pennsboro Area School Districts School Board as well as a membership to the Honor Roll

of School Board Service.

10.c. COVID report by Dr. Price


Mr. Crozier asked that a COVID update be added to the agenda once a month.

Dr. Price commented, our case counts have leveled off. We have about 20 cases and 34

quarantines. Our dashboard has moved on the website so make sure you go in and bookmark

the new dashboard. Compared to the county spread, we are slightly above the PA incidence

rate. The positivity rate has gone up and down but the incidence rate has steadily climbed.

We received new reporting guidelines from the Department of Health. Rather that reporting

all line items to them, we will be sending out letters on behalf of the Department of Health.

The same guidance will be issued but it will be in a more timely manner.

Mr. Oyler commented, does that mean less work for the nurses?

Dr. Dunar commented, it's a little more work.

Mr. Crozier commented, I would recommend sending those letters via email, East Pennsboro is

only getting their mail about once a week.

11. Motion to Consent


Mr. Crozier asked for a motion to consent items 12-19 in their entirety.

Motion made by Mr. Helm, seconded by Mr. Oyler

Board voted 7-0, motion carries

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12. Student Activities and Athletics (Mr. Skaugen, Director of

Activities and Athletics)

12.a. Facility Usage Report


Mr. Oyler asked if there is anything out of the ordinary on this report?

Mr. Skaugen replied, no, it is the EPYAL request for use of the gyms for basketball.

13. Personnel (Dr. Price, Assistant Superintendent)

13.a. Motion to approve _____, Assistant Principal at East Pennsboro Area High

School, at a salary of $____, prorated, and all other benefits of the Act 93 Agreement.

A start date is yet to be determined.


Mr. Oyler commented, we interviewed Assistant Principal candidates before this meeting. We

had two really good candidates and I'm happy Mr. Stern accepted the position.

Mr. Stern commented, I'm grateful for the opportunity, Thanks to the Board.

13.b. Motion to approve Alexis Hess, Second Grade Teacher at East Pennsboro

Elementary, retroactive to September 27, 2021 at a salary of $50,040.00, prorated,

(B15) Bachelor's, Step 15; and all other benefits as defined by the Collective Bargaining


13.c. Motion to approve Terran Miller, Long-Term Substitute Special Education

Teacher at East Pennsboro Elementary School, effective October 11, 2021 at a salary of

$50,040.00, prorated, and all other benefits as defined by the Collective Bargaining



Mr. Crozier recognized and welcomed Ms. Miller.

13.d. Motion to approve the following mentors for the 2020-2021 school year at a rate

of $38.00 per hour, not to exceed 45 hours:

Mindy Garlinger to mentor Alexis Hess

13.e. Motion to approve medical sabbatical for employee#2 retroactive to August 17,

2021 until January 18, 2022.

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13.f. Motion to approve Mackenzie Day, Library Clerk at East Pennsboro Area Middle

School, effective October 4, 2021 at a rate of $13.30 per hour, 189 days, 7 hours per


13.g. Accept the resignation of Kristin Lamarra, Special Education Teacher at East

Pennsboro Area Middle School, effective October 1, 2021. The District will reserve the

right to hold Ms. Lamarra up to 60 days as per the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

13.h. Accept the Extra-Duty Stipend Resignation of Jennifer Wolf, Health/Physical

Education Department Leader K-12, retroactive to September 20, 2021

13.i. Accept the resignation of Linda Hagerty, Library Clerk at West Creek Hills

Elementary, effective October 5, 2021

14. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (Mr. Moore, Director of

Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment)

14.a. Motion to approve the revised curriculum, as presented at the Education

Committee meeting on September 27, 2021:

Middle School 6th & 7th Grade STEM

K-5 Library Technology

15. Support Services (Ms. Holley, Business Manager)

16. Business Administration (Ms. Holley, Business Manager)

17. Pupil Services (Ms. Livingston, Director of Pupil Services)

18. Committee Reports

18.a. Capital Area Intermediate Unit - CAIU Board Highlights and Executive Director's

Report (CAIU: ALL IN!) from the September 23, 2021 meeting attached

18.b. Cumberland Perry Area Career and Technical Center

18.c. Facilities Committee - Minutes from the September 14, 2021 meeting are


18.d. Budget Committee

18.e. Business Advisory Council

18.f. Cumberland County Tax Bureau

18.g. Education Committee--Minutes from September 27 Board Education Committee


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18.h. EP Education Foundation

18.i. EP Township Recreation Board

18.j. Extra Duty Committee

18.k. Intergovernmental

18.l. Harrisburg Area Community College

18.m. PA School Boards Association

18.n. Policy Committee


Mr. Oyler commented, the policy committee met on September 17th, you'll see the fruits of

that meeting in item 19.

18.o. Wellness Committee

19. Superintendent's Report (Dr. Dunar, Superintendent)

19.a. Motion to place the following policies on 30-day review as recommended by the

Policy Committee. Policies will be brought forth for approval at the November 18, 2021

Board meeting.

19.a.a. Policies for Adoption:

Policy 137 - Home Education Programs

Policy 800 - Records Management

Policy 800.1 - Electronic Signature/Records

19.a.b. Policy Revisions:

Policy 246 - Wellness

Policy 626 - Federal Fiscal Compliance

Policy 805 - Emergency Preparedness and Response

Policy 916 - Volunteers

Policy 918 - Title I Parent and Family Engagement

19.a.c. Policy to Retire:

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241 - Early Admission to Post Secondary Programs

19.b. Motion to approve the attendance of Brian Moore at the Fall CAIU Curriculum

Advisory Council Leadership Conference to be held in Allentown, Pennsylvania October

20 - 22, 2021. Cost to the district is $740.00 for accommodations, mileage, registration

and meals.

20. Board President's Report (Mr. Crozier, Board President)


Mr. Crozier commented, Thanks and Congratulations to the District and High School

Administration for their efforts in making 2021 Homecoming a success. From all of the feedback I

have received, you guys did a great job. Thanks to Mr. Skaugen for the great Homecoming

Festivities at the football game on Friday night. Every home game is like a wedding event. I know

Mr. Skaugen does a lot outside of just getting things set up. Thanks for everything you do.

21. Public Comment


Dave Bainbridge, 2175 Valley Road, Enola - Item 12d should be changed from 20-21 school year to

21-22 school year. As far as AP courses, you guys are really nice. In the district I was at 25 years

ago, you had to take the test to take the course. Checks for the test were sent in before you could

take the course. I think it's a waste of resources to not require the test. If you have students

taking AP courses not interested in taking the test, I'm not sure they should be in the course.

22. New Business


Mrs. Andrejack - I was approached by a husband and wife at Hershey Gardens last week. Their

son graduated from EP and is a Physics major at Pitt. They stated they don't know how their son

would have ever passed if it wasn't for our Science department. He is succeeding at Pitt and they

had wonderful things to say about our faculty.

Mrs. Pearson - I have to agree with all of the comments regarding how great all of the

Homecoming activities were. I appreciate the slideshow Dr. Dunar presented with her remarks.

It's nice to see all the great things going on. I appreciate the use of EP media again. I find these

presentations super impactful. Those are the things that take the extra time. The clubs, the

chaperoning, they're the kind of things teachers do above and beyond their normal contractual


Mr. Oyler - Have we been able to take part in the lego program that was brought up a couple

weeks ago, I'd like an update on that. Homecoming was great. The band performing at the end of

the game while the football team knelt as an audience speaks tremendously to the good of what

we can do as a community. It shows that we are going in the right direction. I love to hear we're

going to have a sneak peak of the play. Could we also maybe get a sneak peak of the band and

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chorus? If we have a Science Fair, have the winner here so we can start to see the good again.

Ms. Gilbert- I was at the game and I left early so disappointingly, I missed all of that. I appreciate

the update we got on COVID and that all the numbers are dropping.

Mr. Helm - It's fun seeing the stands fill up for our athletic events. I would like to make a motion to rescind item 13d and replace it with the same language except to change to the 2021-2022 school year, seconded by Mr. Davidheiser. Board voted 7-0, motion carries.
Mr. Davidheiser - No new business
23. Adjournment
Mr. Crozier asked for a motion to adjourn.
Motion made by Mr. David Heiser, seconded by Mr. Oyler 

Board voted 7-0 

Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.

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